Monday, December 26, 2005

first official house guests

tabitha's father & step mother came for turkey dinner last night. tabitha made an excellent bird. she makes a classic excellent stuffing that really topped things off. our house is almost too small to have dinner guests especially since the entire place is the kids play room. i cleaned and ran interference against the kids most of the morning. if given the chance, the kids will make a larger mess directly behind you as you clean.

our house is feeling cozy these days. as we hang more pictures and finish more details in the house it gets more homey. we still have loads of work to do indoors--glaring examples are: the trim around most of the bathroom, kitchen drawers and cabinets, fixing broken tiles, and painting the bath and front room. it seems to never end.

the advent calendar ended nicely. the last little doors were of the nativity scene and as tabitha was explaining the little family and special birthday--tristan said "mommy, i'd like to give all those toys to that baby jesus." what a sweet boy. tristan got a new wooden sword--his old one has seen too many battles. when the sword arrived it was a bit too long so i shortened it--it is still broad-sword size for him. a sword might seem a little violent for a three-year-old but it is plain to see that his imagination grows with it in his hand.

wood heat, there is nothing else like it. an extra warm house on a cold day is a nice place to be. i have been planning the chimney re-construction for next summer. i want to have a masonry chamber in the center of the house that heats up its thermal mass then radiates into the bathroom. it should more evenly heat the house. this will be especially important as we add a master bedroom. i'll post my plans when i draw them up.

i really need a table saw, mike has been loaning me his but needs it for his house. i have the radial arm saw but nothing replaces a table saw. i'll have to start looking at garage sales and used ads in the paper. maybe i can get by with a decent skill saw which i also lack. anyway...

i got a new watch for christmas. it is just a simple timex with a normal face, easy to set the time, a digital date display, an indiglo back light and an alarm. what more does a watch need to be? i find that i can get by without a watch except when it is necessary to know the date. there are always clocks around but a calendar doesn't really do you any good unless you know what day it is TODAY.


  1. It sounds as though you had a wonderful meal with family prepared with loving hands! Always the best! I hear ya about the kids creating messes faster than you can clean them...atleast you can appreciate your wife's job in the every day. It took forever for us to get the baseboards up in our house and then another forever to fill the holes and paint it. Now that we are trying to sell our home, everything is pretty much done except for one baseboard by the backdoor.

  2. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Exactly more or less on the watch karl. I have a table saw I am not using and haven't for some time. I even a skill saw I haven't used since I finished off the basement. Come to think of it that was the last time I used both of them. You can have either if you like.

  3. road apples, wow--i ecstatically accept the table saw or both. i'll have to wait until my next pay check to send you money for shipping. milwaukee is a bit too far just to drive up and come get it. i'll e-mail you at editor(at)roadapples[dot]ws and give you our address and get yours to send you the shipping money. i am so excited that i can't sleep this evening--it is 2am right now. it'll be my best christmas present, completely over shadowing my watch. we'll also have to send you some of tabithas chocolate biscotti.

  4. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Happy New Year to you and yours, Karl!


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