Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Happy Holidays

our holidays have been rescued by wonderful and considerate gifts. we were resigned to extremely modest gifts and mostly sharing the holiday spirit. we have been blessed yet another time. tristan is so excited about opening the presents that it is all he talks about. my parents sent us an advent calendar--he loves it. each morning he asks mommy to get it down and open another door. they talk about each little surprise behind the door. it is teaching him about waiting and helping to build the excitement for the big day. we have the presents on the top shelf because they are not safe under the tree. tristan might be convinced to wait but it is beyond kassi to understand the concept of waiting.

i'm usually not big on holidays but these kids are so excited and we have lots of presents for them--clothes, books, educational videos and just a couple toys. it will still be a modest christmas compared to most but it will be perfect for us.

i talked to the electrician that i interviewed with. he was excited to hear from me and is overwhelmed by the holidays and the inability to do normal business. i suggested that i call after the new year. he seemed relived and appreciative. we'll see.

Happy Holidays All…


  1. Anonymous8:36 PM

    My kids are all grown now, but they still talk about the Advent calendar and how much they enjoyed it through the years growing up.

    You can tell you're giving your kids a wonderful holiday by the excitement they are exhibiting. Good work!

  2. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Merry Christmas karl and to your wonderful family. May the new year bring you all you wish for. A new job perhaps?

  3. Merry Christmas!

    Sugar Mountain Farm
    in Vermont

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