Monday, December 19, 2005

it broke

my wood splitting has come to a complete halt. i broke the weld on the handle of my missouri splitter (maul). the previous manufacturer and my current employer gave me the maul. i need a new one. my plan is to take it back to him and see if he has another back stock to replace it. i guess i could have mike weld it but he has been a nay-sayer about it and this would only reinforce his position, besides welding certainly would affect the epoxy and fiberglass portion of the handle. i wish this would have happened before i began to really like the stupid thing. i hated it at first but being the only thing available i used it until it has become an extension of my wood splitting persona.

i modified the grip portion of the handle to fit like a glove.

i guess continuing splitting that twisted hickory was a bad idea after all. but the maul seemed so indestructible. i wrongly thought it was only my will and strength against the piece of wood. sadly the maul was the weaker, previously not considered, player in the struggle.

goodbye, missouri splitter (maul) may you rest in peace.


  1. Anonymous5:52 AM

    will there be a wake? i can bring something.

  2. Anonymous10:10 AM

    That's some fine looking fire wood nonetheless.

  3. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Yep, you're stronger than steel! I told you so! I say a fine Viking funeral (after the wake, of course) is a great idea! R.I.P. Amen!
    Uncle Matt

  4. raod apples, i think uncle matt wants another wake.

    uncle matt, does that mean i have to be drunk for three days again? stronger than steel but still not the man i was in my youth.

    pablo, thanks the wood stack is even bigger since my last photo. one of our neighbors asked my father-in-law if i was paul bunion. i'm not sure how to take that.

  5. Bummer to lose a tool you're body has gotten used to using.

  6. yeah, i got another one exactly like it. i just have to fashion a similar grip.

  7. I hate to correct, but this made me giggle! It's Paul Bunyan, not Bunion. A bunion is a chronic enlargement of the first joint of the big toe. ;)
    And... big compliment! Big strong hero-man!


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