Thursday, February 02, 2006

garden photos

this is a picture of our newest rock ring. it is located where the walk-through gate will be. the two rings are 12 feet appart--in case we want a drive through gate in the future in that place. notice the huge pile of roots behind the new est rock ring. somewhere between 15 and 20 wheel barrow loads of roots make a pile that large.

this is our new/slightly used pig feeder. and this rock came from our garden tabitha called it "the rock of ages"

this is one of our flowing-over rock rings. i also thought this made a nice photo. the orage gate, the red fence, the burnt orange wood framing the rocks.

my little angel in the garden. look how the wall-o-wood has grown in the back ground.


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    First of all, sweet grain and milk smelling cow? Yes, you're wierd. Tell me when she smells like chocolate milk and you'll get less slack from me. In fact, see if you can somehow upload a scratch-and-sniff picture of Nimue.
    Second, Kassi is beautiful!!

  2. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Jeez, Karl! I'm exhausted just looking at the work you have done. When you have a free weekend, c'mon up to Roundrock and do some stuff for me, okay?

  3. Your wood pile is crazy huge! What a blessing to not have to use it all up this year. Gives you a wonderful start for next years needs, right? The fact that Tabitha can sit outside right now in short sleeves is amazing to me. I think we're getting snow here in Indiana this weekend but not sure.


The golden rule applies here...