Saturday, February 04, 2006

we have sucessfully culled television

even though the kids only watched educational programs and constructive movies. we have completely removed all television watching except friday night "movie night" i make popcorn and we all cozy-in and watch a movie. the kids are more relaxed during the week and much easier to manage. tristan has been falling asleep reading books. well, looking at the pictures and either reciting memorized stories or making up his own. he also asks us to read him books constantly. both kids love to read--kassi says "me too, mee tooo" whenever tristan convinces someone to read a book. it is so cute. they'll both pile on my lap and sit patiently while i read. i take it as an opportunity to steal a few extra hugs.

my sister gave us a leap pad for christmas we are going to start having "computer time" soon to teach him spanish and other stuff he's interested in. i have been scared that they'll ruin to books before they get good use out of them. tristan is really trying to learn to read right now. he can spell and write his name and is noticing letters everywhere--even in tiny tiny places. i keep telling him that once he can read the words himself he can read books anytime he wants. we are trying to set a good example by reading all the time. all this effort seems to be working.

today i plan to haul some of those fallen cedars from the grove up to the milking shed. i'll strap the two wheeled hand truck to the base of the trunk and tabitha and i will pull from the top of the tree. we should be able to get up the hill with them in a reasonable fashion with this method. the length of the trees is over 20' so it will be a challenge. i still have to cut three more trees for our poles and to cut the cross beam timbers. these will be from tall skinny oak trees. i have a few selected from the forest to come down. it is going to be very rustic and "old timey" i still need to come by some steel roofing material. we plan to collect the rain water from the shed for the cows. any over flow will feed our garden but we don't expect much extra water.

it is going to be cold-ish here today--my favorite work weather. i love to split wood when it is below freezing. the wood cracks apart with a satisfaction that is unexplainable when temperatures drop.

the short list for the weekend:
- cedar poles for milking shed
- mini greenhouse
- fence across the back of the house
- fill the new rock ring
- this list will grow once tabitha wakes up


  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Well, I hope you have no doubts about the lifestyle you have chosen to give your children. It sounds like they are going to be outstanding people who will be a credit to society and respect themselves. I'm impressed. And while I don't want to pry, I hope you'll continue to give us posts about their progress. It warms my heart.

  2. thank you, we try not to question our decisions. sometimes it is difficult under scrutiny from people we care about. sometimes we get defensive but mostly we blissfully carry on.


The golden rule applies here...