Sunday, February 05, 2006

progress on my list

appended short list for the weekend:
- cedar poles for milking shed
the three that were cut already were the first to come up. my method of implementing the dolly seemed to work fine but it was only necessary on the really large ones. for most of them i just took the heavy end and cheated back toward the middle taking more weight and tabitha and i just put them on our shoulders and carried them the whole way up. the six major posts are now up by the shed location. we still have to cut and haul the three oak cross timbers.
- mini greenhouse
no progress yet. my plan is to dig a sloping earthen foundation, make a rectangle out of straw-bales that tilts toward south. then simply put the two sliding glass doors on top. i have some shiny insulation that might line the north, east and west sides to reflect even more light back to our precious plants.
- fence across the back of the house
this is slated for today. the rock ring must be a bit further along before we can continue with this in earnest.
- fill the new rock ring
it is about half full now. i put an old clothes line pole in the center of the rock ring. it is extra tall (i added extra pipe to it). we currently have two pulley clothes lines that originate from the back porch and stretch upward to mulberry tree branches. this tree has that whiches-broom disease and we might be forced to take it down. so this new clothes line pole will afford an alternative.
- fill the porch with wood.
i cut the final two slices from the hickory, worked them up and put them on the porch. it had ants when i split it so i saved the ants and gave them to the chickens. the porch still needs more wood i'll top it off monday before i have to go back to work.
- cut and work the fell tree in nimue's pasture
i trimmed most of the tree branches, cut and split about half of it up. it splits ok. the fact that it had been trimmed so many times made it kinda knotty. tabitha and tristan helped stack the wood along the fence, extending our privacy fence. we like that wood barrier so much that we kinda never want to burn it.
this is an example of the interum seed starting solution. i made this little shelf from an old ladder and old barn siding. it should only be in our window seat for a short while.

the inside view. this was an easy quick solution. it is very "old timey"

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