Sunday, March 26, 2006


we planted some of our potatoes in the garden. we are still waiting for our cranberry-all-red potatoes. we have two and a half rows in and plan another row and a half of the late arrivals. our garden is starting to fill up!!! a large portion will be tomatoes yum!!! tabitha has this whole companion planting strategy. i just worry about the squash bugs.

serendipity, my insurance covered my hail damage. we are going to get a phat check and not fix the car. it is about time i got something back from that insurance company. we have been compiling a huge list of expensive items that we will blow it on.
the "definitely" list goes:
--propane re-fill
--table saw
--wood for house trim
--milking shed metal roofing
--new tires for car
--general car service
--milking supplies
--chicken waterer kits (2)
the "runner-up" list goes:
--rack for solar panels
--fencing materials for the back forty (four actually)
--metal roofing for garage, utility room & guttering to cistern
--giant bamboo plants for our privacy barrier
--powered lawn mower
--dump truck of chat for driveway and all other chat needs
--freeze proof spigots for garden and milking shed
--hot tub (supplies to make one) think water birth...

yes that cow is still pregnant, i hope she waits until morning sickness subsides.


  1. yes,
    food processor
    glass carafe for blender

    that old food processor has been doing double duty and has paid for its self and the replacement in not purchasing pricey natural peanut butter

    the carafe is another issue. i wish it were not glass because it will break too


The golden rule applies here...