Wednesday, March 29, 2006

rock work at bens

these are a few examples of dry stack stone walls that ben and i are working on at his farm. admittedly it is very easy since we have the right (pricey) tools. two seperate rock saws with diamond blades and a skid steer--not to mention his small set of hand tools worth hundreds of dollars. a minimum investment of masonry tools would cost me more than a thousand dollars. the hand tools and one diamond saw. the diamond saw isn't absolutely necessary but having it decreases the years of experience necessary to do rock work of this level--it also cuts project time considerably. the rock in this wall looks square and block like. yes, a bunch of it was but over half of it was worked from creek rock and other mis-shapen stone.

this is an example of some mortar work we are still working on--it just needs the cap stone. i don't care for the dark grey mortar but we are matching the rest of the house and that was done in the 70s when that mortar color was popular.


  1. Anonymous5:57 AM

    That's beautiful stonework. I know who I'll be hiring when I need the work done. (Do you work for beer?)

    Any chance we could have a look at the tools too?

  2. Wow, love that stone wall!


The golden rule applies here...