Saturday, April 01, 2006

i arrived early

the site where we are doing the timber frame is beautiful. there is a huge cave that has a spring that fills this pond. this site has been developed by the past several owners. stone work paths, little brooks, several picnic areas, bridges, a water wheel, and on. it is lovely. i arrived early and walked the entire grounds. this photo was taken from a rock overhanging (8-10 feet) the pond looking back at the cave. this is where i ate lunch and meditated on break. there is something about the energy of freshly emerging water that soothes the soul. i guess they spelunked the cave for 20 miles all the way to springfield.
i worked with an amish timber frame company. they were impressed with my work ethic. several of them threatened that i should slow down or they'ed hire me permanent. i wouldn't mind except they're home base is too far from me to be possible.


  1. Anonymous11:35 PM

    That spot is breathtaking. I would have loved to eat lunch there and meditate too!

  2. Anonymous7:00 AM

    BEAUTIFUL. At first I thought it was your back yard. Or front yard.

  3. rebekah, yes it is a magical place.

    pablo, i wish it were my back yard. i do know of a spot on my bosses property that could be developed into a spot as beautiful.


The golden rule applies here...