Monday, April 03, 2006


the pandemic has started at our house. we are all sickly, tabitha especially so. she has the evil sickness that we all have compounded by morning sickness. i have been looking forward to working with the amish timber framers for months and now i'm too sick to go. i am miserable not able to do anything except clean the kitchen (my sickly version). maybe we'll go look for mushrooms this afternoon.

i found one yesterday and know of a good spot (when blogger starts working again--insert photo here)

why is the spell checker in blogger so lame that the word "blogger" comes up as an error? someone should be fired over that...


  1. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Sorry you guys are sick. Nothing is more miserably (except maybe blogger not even knowing its own name).

  2. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Dude, that sucks! Maybe you contracted something Amish? Maybe something from that pond?

  3. ha ha ha, I hate to laugh at what matt said, but that was pretty funny! Beautiful pond = contagious sess pool. We are sick too. It started with my husband and then my son and it is ending with me.

  4. Aw, sorry to hear you're sick. I feel for Tabitha - I had the puking flu when I was 8.5 months pregnant with our 2nd.

  5. we went back to that place that i saw other mushroomers picking up stuff off the ground and looking all guilty when they saw me. we got a small mess of morels--enough to get the skillet hot anyway.

    sugarcreekfarm, i posted on your blog and it never showed up. uh?

    danelle, sorry you are sick too.

    ah the illustrious prolific pablo--thanks for the well wishes. we are on the mend.


The golden rule applies here...