Thursday, May 11, 2006

It's a boy

i admit it, i was wrong. i guessed it was a girl. i might hear the end of it by the time he is born. Actually I'm happy to see a healthy baby in there. We have chosen a name Ptolemy Gustav wren o'Melay. The name Ptolemy just came to us in epiphany fashion. It is off the beaten bath as far as names go but has great historical significance. Most notably an Egyptian pharaoh and a Greek astronomer.
it is so exciting.
i also got a gasoline powered lawnmower. No big deal you say? Well, if you could see our over-grown lawn you'd think otherwise.
I'm timber framing today. Exciting business.


  1. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Warm welcome to Ptolemy O'Melay.

    Lotsa rain of late has kept me pushing the lawnmower about a good deal. Fortunately, the twin sons come home from college this weekend.

  2. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Sweet Mother of Pearl! Congratulations, my Friend! Everybody needs a little brother to pick on!Cool about the new toy too!Soon all three will be able to push that new mower around. That's what having kids is about, right? Congratulations to Tabitha also, for being a wonderful, healthy Mom!


The golden rule applies here...