Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Ultrasound tomorrow

We have an appointment for an ultrasound tomorrow. I hope to find a healthy baby and of course it would be nice to findout the sex. It is exciting and gives a sense of accomplishment. We will finally choose the name and start calling her/him by it.
I finished the automatic waterer for the chicken tractor. It is ready to go. Mike came over and moved our barn/shed into place with his propane tractor (king of the hill).
Merlin, the calf, got out last night and had his fill just before milking time. tabitha got a quart--one sixth of her usual gallon and a half. It was a bad cow conspiracy. We fixed the segregation problem. Gates were exchanged and attached with stronger locking mechanisms. Tomorrow morning will be better.
we covered our asparagus with composted manure--some of the tips were breaking the surface. Our fruit trees got a layer of manure too. I emptied half or our compost bin and turned some (in progress) compost into the vacant half. Then the freshest compost got turned into that vacant spot--the shit shuffle. We'll have plenty of finished compost ready for the 'all red' potatoes when their covering time comes. It should be in about two weeks.
My new tiller has been ripping through shear pins like there is no tomorrow. This soil is so rocky it is amazing. The safety shield has several dents and scrapes. I have taken to putting the rocks across the street to extend the approach to my mailbox. We get all our mail at the p.o.box but someday we might want to change that.
we planted new tomatoes in the newly removed, killed by hail, spots. Yes, this morning was a fairly violent thunderstorm.
We also have aphids on our tomatoes. We have been trying everything, this last effort included neem and peppermint. We are really trying to stay away from the pesticides. We'd like to claim all natural/not-certified-organic.
we have got several gallons of milk in the fridge. tabitha has successfully made butter and we have been drinking the milk like crazy.


  1. Can't you do ladybugs? I saw a couple of places you can order like 1000 for $10. Shipping, then adds another $15, LOL, but it seems cheaper than chemicals. (and nicer!)

    Good luck at the ultrasound! Exciting!!

  2. Have you tried, a tad of dishsoap, vegetable oil and water in a spray bottle. Shake it up and then spray the buggers?? I had a nasty case of aphids on one of my cherished plants a couple years back and that did the trick. Then I was the dead aphids off with a gentle stream. I don't know how tender your tomato plants are at this point. Ladybugs could definitley be the answer. Each ladybug eats 500-1000 aphids a day, I think.


The golden rule applies here...