Monday, May 08, 2006


Negotiations with the company that I was, and still am, hoping to work for have slowed to a snails pace. Ben, my current boss, has expressed a desire to hire someone that can travel (all over the Midwest) and work for weeks at a time. That is not the job for me. I need to be around my family daily. Ben certainly wouldn't pull any rug out from under me but it is best for him (and I) if I were to move on--he said it in a much nicer way. I told (said desirable company) my situation and need to extend my efforts to finding something else (hint, hint). No takers there. I guess my current solar experience skill set is a difficult sell for those higher up the corporate ladder.
I can easily do the proposed job way above expectations and put something together that would make them a decent profit using existing manufacturing infrastructure and distribution network.
I have spent a bit of time having meetings, working on proposal type stuff and continually offered my recent solar experience. I can design and build a working manufacturing proposal that would make selling the new "solar division" easier to the higher-ups but it is too much work to do while I'm trying to make money at another job and do my back-log of work around here. I don't believe there has been any lack of good faith but I still feel discouraged none-the-less.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Don't let it get your spirit down. You are a talented, clever guy and something good is bound to happen. Those folks are failing to recognize that they are letting a great resource get away.


The golden rule applies here...