Saturday, September 23, 2006

birdhouse number two

the kids were jealous that we sent the birdhouse off with guests. today we made another one. i plan to send this one to my parents as a christmas present. no threat of them finding out here since they don't really read this blog. the kids will paint it tomorrow. i plan little hand prints dipped in paint. we'll see if i can pull it off. i'll save a spot for a little toly hand print too. maybe we'll make bird house for all our christmas presents. of course uncle matt will get something different for several very obvious reasons.


  1. Anonymous8:11 PM

    But I want a birdhouse with little baby hand prints on it! Or maybe a handmade piture frame with a family portrait in it! Or a pony! Or a fireengine! And fudge! I don't want another bag of rocks. I'm still finishing last year's!

  2. This is a great idea. They will smile every time they see it.


The golden rule applies here...