Monday, September 25, 2006

rain, pond and other wet stuff

the past rain storms left three and a half inches of rain on our farmstead. the pond however hardly rose at all. the rain fell slowly and rather rapidly at times. this must be an especially porous time of year. our garden loved the rain. the bean arbor/arch met complete demise and tried to take out our fresh turnip seedlings. tabitha pushed it back to it's own row and stomped it in place. we removed two of the four trellises from the garden. they were just collecting squash bugs. our turnips are really enjoying this cool wet weather. the swiss chard is especially happy right now. it is very delicious we had some for dinner last night.


  1. Anonymous8:32 PM

    C'mon, you gotta admit the chard looks delicious!

  2. It is really pretty, and we all know attractivness is always more palatable.

  3. Anonymous7:16 PM

    I wish we had that kind of rain up by my pond!


The golden rule applies here...