Sunday, September 17, 2006

catastrophic failure of bean arch

it rained all day and made the beans heavy and the bamboo soft--lesson learned.


  1. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Aaw! Hell's bells! Oops! Don't let the chil'n read that. That's a college fund comment!

  2. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Well, not exactly---The beans have produced all that they should by now, right? So the arch served it's purpose for as long as was intended. Unless, the fact that I don't know a lick about planting, growing or harvesting vegetables comes into play and I sound like an utter moron. In either case, I'm sorry that it toppled.

  3. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Well, nice castor beans at least. Next arch you should make from rebar.

  4. It was nice while it lasted. Sorry you put all the work into it that you did and it won't be there for next year.

    Beans where yummy, you got great pictures and if you were smart you had already spent quality time with Tabitha under it in the twilight. If not, gives you something to strive for next year with the new one! :o)

  5. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Yes, rebar! And black gun powder!

  6. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I've been following your adventures it's great reading glad it's going so good for you. I'm starting my garden in the spring now I know beans are truly heavy.


The golden rule applies here...