Tuesday, September 19, 2006

green house heater shed

i built this for bob. he hired me to repair the storm damaged end of his huge green house. things got a bit tangential and i ended up fixing the green house damage and we needed to provide heat without running the chimney through the melty plastic.

this is the end that was almost completely ruined by a huge tree. his green house is huge 30' by 100'.

i made it out of a combination of wood and steel. the wood was used only at a distance greater than 3 feet from the heater.


  1. Anonymous10:19 PM

    The green house heater shed looks delicious!

  2. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Quick, Karl! Name three things you cannot do.

  3. i cannot fly a jet, ride a unicycle, wake-up without coffee.

  4. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I can think of things! Then again, you could probably shoot back a monster list of my shortcomings also. I'll stay quiet...for now.

  5. matt i know that racketball would be on your list for me. cause i can't play racketball but who really cares--except you of course. that was a bad 80's sport that should have never existed. you can tell by all the vacant racketball courts. oops, i forgot you play all the time.


The golden rule applies here...