Sunday, October 08, 2006

pre halloween fun

kassi in the strawbale maze.

and they are off... kassi in the lead and tristan in a close second.

the tube slide aka the butt buster. at the end of the slide is a big rock right where the tail bone hits.

this box filled with corn was their favorite thing to play.

we opted out of the hay ride to keep playing in the corn.

by the end kassi's underwear were full of corn.

tristan loved it also especially when we buried him.

tabitha is soooo ready for this baby.


  1. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Photos haven't been showing up lately. :( Just a small box with a red "x" in it. Is it my computer?

  2. Where was this? LOVE the corn box!!!!

  3. Anonymous1:29 PM

    GREAT PICTURES TODAY! Thanks! I love the one with just Tristan's "dead face" popping up ou of the corn! Are there more maze pictures? Y'all have a corn maze out there also?

  4. rebekah,

    try clicking on the red "X" if it then down loads the photo then it it your settings. otherwise i don't know.

    it was just down the road. kinda cheesy but the kids loved it.

    dead face, tristans favorite face. i imagine there is a corn maze around somewhere. i haven't spotted one yet though.

  5. the corn looks so fun. that even pressure all around, the weight of it... must feel very soothing.

    (not that i'm reading up on sensory integration or anything. ahem.)

    tabitha you look so beautiful.

  6. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Thank you, Karl. Don't know what happened, but I can see them all now. Huzzah! Thank you for helping me troubleshoot. And again--Congratulations!! <3


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