Tuesday, October 10, 2006

tabitha's labor is starting

it seems like labor has started, maybe an hour ago? i assembled the tub and promptly ran out of hot water--dishwasher was running and tabitha started a bath before she decided that this is probably it. hopefully our hot water heater will heat back up soon and we'll get to use the tub.

tristan is sleeping and kassi is awake and only slightly concerned--she is watching anastasia. things seem to be progressing--she is really positive right now.


  1. Good luck my friend. You've been there before but it is always exciting and very fulfilling. Congratulations in advance.

  2. I checked Tabitha's journal and I'm glad it only took six hours or so. Can't wait for the write up!

  3. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Congratulations, Karl!! I know that you are a huge source of comfort and love for Tabitha and that you were one of the reasons this UC was possible. The other being Tabitha, the strong, beautiful woman that she is.

    My heart is bursting for you all. Your family and new little Toly are all I can think about today! Best wishes, all my love, and hopes for a smooth recovery to Tabitha. <3

  4. congratulations papa karl!

  5. Anonymous12:12 PM


  6. congratulations on your new baby boy! what an incredible family you have. thinking of you all today!

  7. Anonymous4:32 PM

    What the..? Wait, I'm not ready yet! Is the salsa finished?

  8. So happy! Congratulations!!


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