Friday, November 24, 2006

photo of barn progress

here is the barn as of this rest break. the three cross beams are up and one of the end joist supports for the loft. i'll append this entry at the end of the work day to contain all of my efforts.

here is what i finished as of yestereve. the loft rafters are done and i'm ready to put down the wood flooring. we plan to have a ladder from the inside going up taking up the entire right-hand bay. that will also afford room to toss down hay into nimues feed trough.

this is what the barn looked like this morning. it reminds me of some medieval movie set.


  1. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Did the cow stay there while you were building it to make sure she would fit, ha,ha..

  2. yeah, she has inspected every detail. she is more critical than my wife.


The golden rule applies here...