Saturday, November 25, 2006

sally henny penny

meet sally henny penny. she was the free chicken that came with our broilers. she is amazingly friendly. in fact she has jumped into my hand several times. i encourage this. i pick her up and feed her everyday. this is especially emphasised since the other chickens are mean to her. i protect her from them whenever i am around. she sees me as her mother.
the kids love her too. imagine a chicken that they can pick up and pet. i hope she remains this friendly.

no barn work today. i had to go shopping with tabitha and kids. it seems to take the entire day just to go grocery shopping. i imagine there must be a better way? i'm going to start a fire in the stove just to take the chill off.


  1. Anonymous6:15 PM

    On the shopping front have you tried a food co-op? I know you can't get it all, but I do get a good portion in bulk items every other month and it sure helps cut down the regular day to day shopping. If interested you could try to see if there is anything in your area, or start one yourself.

  2. Anonymous6:28 PM

    The chicken is cool. Hope you don't have plans to eat her later..

  3. prairie chick,

    we already buy large portions of our groceries from the local co-op. i imagine it helps some. we still need to go shopping every week or so. i know that we save plenty buying from the co-op.

    happy and blue 2

    she was part of that thanksgiving fowl pardoning that was gw's greatest act of compassion. her disneyland will be right here at our little homestead. in return for room and board she'll pay us in fresh eggs. i like to threaten the hens "you might be soup soon if you girls don't get up to projected figures." i have thought of hanging bar-graphs and pie charts in their coop--alas, our printer is broken. i don't really mean it, it just makes me feel powerful.

  4. Thank you, Karl, for the link you left on my blog about chimney liners.! I have been looking for something like that. For this winter we're just using stove pipe but in the long run I plan to have a lined flue and masonry stove for energy storage. We heat entirely with wood, always have, but I would also like to have that option for the nine months of the year when cooking with wood makes sense in our climate. Firewood is something we have an abundance of.

  5. Have you tried letting Tabitha and Toly go grocery shopping while you keep the older two? You'll still get some stuff done around the house and yard.

  6. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Well, Danielle took my comment so I will just second it.

  7. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Looks like a Rhode Island Red. You have a good egg layer. My RIR, White Rocks and Americanas just started laying and they are laying one a day consistantly. Of course when it gets cold they might not, but that's expected.
    You should get some Americana's your kids would love getting blue eggs. Heck I love getting blue eggs, it's like Christmas every day

    PS Feebee gave me you blog awhile back for the chicken tractor you built and I've been hooked ever since. I love reading about what you are building and if I could just get my hubby to be as excited about doing things around here, I'd be set.

  8. There is nothing more fun than a friendly chicken! :)

  9. Anonymous1:10 PM

    So, I guess we won't be eating henny penny...


The golden rule applies here...