Sunday, November 12, 2006

sickly weekend

i have been sick all weekend--some nasty cold/flu. i was so sick that i couldn't go out and cover the swiss chard before the 26 degree freeze last night. luckily it seems fine today. i heavily mulched around it a week or so ago. this morning, i was lamenting allegedly loosing the chard so much that i'll never let that happen again. tonight it is predicted to only get to 36 degrees--no need to bother. the illness has afforded me a little warcraft computer game (of which is the only game that i have played in many years).
isn't the light on tabitha lovely?

we have taken a few photos while lying around. toly is really putting on the weight. we spent quite a while cooing at each other today. he is so alert and interested. he especially perks up when either of the kids are around. i don't thing he can wait to get into the fray.


  1. Yes, Tabitha makes the light look beautiful! Sorry you are a sicko...don't give it to the baby!

  2. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I'd say Toly is putting on the weight. He doesn't even look like the same baby! Get better.

  3. Anonymous8:50 PM

    She looks ethereal. <3

    Anatoly looks like a baby now!! No more leggy newborn.
    Get better soon Karl.

    P.S. I bought a (California!) pomegranate this weekend. Will post pics when we dig in!

  4. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Beautiful boy! Nice knickers too.

    I had my annual flu shot last week, so maybe I'll get through the winter without a bug.

  5. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Light is envious of Tabitha's beauty! She makes the world look beautiful! You need a tan. Toly? Good God! What are you feedin' that boy! He's gonna be bigger the you any day now. He looks great! Thanks for posting more pictures. Still sick? Drink a pot of coffee every 45 minutes (don't forget the black gun powder).

  6. Sorry to read that you are not feeling well. Rest is really the best. The body needs plenty of sleep to recover. Tabitha is beautiful, and Toly looks like quite a healthy and sweet baby.


The golden rule applies here...