Friday, November 10, 2006

a storm is coming

all but the last of the leaves have fallen. it has been warmer than usual today. a cold front is moving in and storms are expected. i refilled the porch with wood even though it wasn't really empty. the porch helps keep the wood dry. it is windy and the leaves are swirling. i like the change of seasons. in california the only real seasons were rain or no rain. here in missouri the seasons are very distinct. there is extra work involved in the transition between each but each transition has a mini purge involved. it makes me feel more alive because the fluidity of life is ear marked buy such wonderful distinctions. fall is decidedly the most pleasant of missouri seasons.


  1. These days speak to our bodies and our instincts, don't they? They tell us it is too beautiful to stay inside: do work outside you've been avoiding.

    We've spent the day doing the same thing, and we've come inside for an amazing dinner of a braised and baked chicken leg/ thigh in butter, oil, chicken broth and rosemary—all grown on our farm. The chicken was served with gravy over homefries with potatoes, onion and pepper home grown.

    Wow! Yet again, I learn to listen to the earth, listen to myself.

    It's beautiful, isn't it?

  2. Anonymous8:25 PM

    That cold front has reached Kansas City as I write this. Temps should moderate again next week. Hope the deer hunters stay warm.

  3. Fall is definitely one of my favorite times of the year. It has a lot of preparation in it, but it speaks to me of rest and fulness. Everything is crisp and dreamy!

  4. I like fall too. When there are bare branches, we can see much further, and our vistas open as the light begins to diminish. The cooler temperatures are a comfort, and a nice transition from the summer heat and respite before winter. A lovely time.

  5. Anonymous5:50 PM

    As a former Californian, I can really relate to your assertion that there are only two seasons there - rain and no rain.

    I enjoy the changing of the seasons so much that I doubt that I will live anywhere without distinct seasons ever again.


The golden rule applies here...