Monday, December 25, 2006

picasa posting to new blogger sucks

tabith took this photo of me. sometimes toly cannot be consoled by any means other than a restaining him in a sling and bouncing on the yoga-birth-ball feaverishly.

this is the big pile of chat that i had delivered. i have been using it to fill bags for the walls of the root cellar. i did about twenty bags yesterday and back filled the area. about 4 pm on christmas eve i stumbled carrying one of the bags (roughly 150 pounds) and landed agianst the water main. it broke and started gushing water. i had to get in the car and jet to lowes to get the parts necessary to fix it. otherwise we'd have no water for christmas day.

the chickens are on restriction again. they have been very naughty. no eggs for us. freeloading chickens anyway...

toly is so strong and healthy and chubby. i like a chubby baby.


  1. merry christmas to you and your family... hope all is well!

  2. Solacious Solstice, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hope the young one feels better soon.


    in Vermont

  3. Merry Christmas! Our chickens finally started laying again after we had a warm spell. Not many, but a few at least. (The Marans is still on strike though.)

  4. Merry Christmas to you all!

    Stefan was the same way as a tiny babe: sling + crazy birth ball bouncing = sleeping stefan, when nothing else worked.

  5. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Such a beautiful child!

    I've thought for a long time that the whole rocking thing to soothe a baby is really a way to reproduce the trouble-free life the child had in the womb. The same with patting on the back, which perhaps imitates the sound of mom's heartbeat while in there. And even the "shhhshing" sound we make, which might sound like the blood passing through mom's arteries.

  6. He really is so sweet! I'm all for artificial light and upping the happy factor for our chickens. Well, atleast when we had them. Eggs are a huge staple in this house and giving the chickens a little extra "fix" (like it's a drug or something) causes me no second thought or grievance.

  7. Wyandottes?

    Merry Christmas, belated. And, just to get all my comments into one, I love hearing from fellow homesteaders, no matter what depth of intellect. Hey, I'm easy! *g*


The golden rule applies here...