Wednesday, December 27, 2006

fellow bloggers

i am in the midst of formulating a new years resolution. i have a question. would you, as a blog that i frequent (rather lurk-on), prefer i always comment on your blog (every entry that i read) regardless if it is inspired or not, or only get comments from me that i am compelled to write?

*every comment that i read
*as things are now

i personally like the feedback regardless how inspired it might be. although some blogs that i lurk-on are intimidating--being the perpetual one handed typist* (hence lower-case) and tragic speller.

*see first photo in this post to see why


  1. In my humble opinion, there is certainly no need to comment on EVERY post - - most of my posts are just my ramblings anyway, not exactly "inspiring." I do, however, appreciate your feedback. I know that wasn't exactly the "simple" answer you wanted. But you asked!

  2. K&T - I have two bags of gently used girls clothes (sz 4-5). Can I mail them to you? Send me an email if you would like them. Thanks.

  3. Anonymous10:58 AM

    well, Karl... everyone KNEW what you really meant, regardless of spelling :)

    And it must be really hard to type one handed while bouncing on a yoga ball, especially with Toly in front of the keyboard!

  4. it's nice to get comments but unrealistic to expect everyone to comment on every single post they read.

    as you know, a shout out to occasionally let me know someone is reading is nice.

    and, also being a one handed typist, i know how hard it is!

  5. I generally just lurk on the blogs that I read... I often have a hard time coming up with any response that I feel is worth posting. That being said, however, I always enjoy reading comments that others leave on my blog... it's nice to know people are out there... :)

  6. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I don't think you read my blog (and if you do, you must be bored silly!) but in general, I prefer for people to only comment when inspired. It's more authentic and means more. Just my opinion.

    LOL at "tragic speller". You are too funny!

  7. Anonymous6:13 AM

    I agree with the general sentiment here. You shouldn't have to make a comment on every single post you read. Plus, if you just make some gratuitous comment, people will get accustomed to seeing only fluff from you and overlook when you have something substantive to say. Besides, don't you have bigger priorities than responding to us fool bloggers?

  8. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I like comments but I don't expect to get a comment every time I post.
    And I like commenting but I don't comment on every post I read..

  9. Comment when compelled. I don't check who comes to my site and how often so it is nice to get a comment every now and then because that way I know I'm not just journalling for me, but frankly, I would rather have a meaningful comment from folks when compelled instead out of obligation. I feel obligated on some sites to just leave a generic comment, because the owner's get miffed if you stop by and don't say "hi"...weirdness...why do I even read those blogs anyway??

  10. I agree with the general consensus here. I think commenting when inspired is a good guideline and is exactly what I do (when my computer doesn't error on me). ;-)


  11. I want you to comment on every post I make. And you need to go back and comment on all the old ones you've missed, too.

    Seriously? I agree w/ Pablo.

  12. I don't think you read mine, but I post when inspired, too. Sometimes if I lurk a lot, I try to find something to comment on just so that the blogger knows that I hang around and enjoy what I read. Periodically -- like once every couple of weeks, depending on how frequently they post.

  13. I post when inspired and post every once in a while just to let the blogger know I am still reading. We all would like to think we blog for ourselves but would we really keep it up if we knew no one ever read it.

  14. I think most bloggers would not wish for fewer comments. :) But nobody really expects comments from every reader on every post... I don't think so anyway.

  15. thanks everyone, yeah you are right, it wouldn't be realistic for me to comment on every blog that i read.

    my new years resolution is going to be document the garden better. i'm talking planting schedules and all. this is purely for selfish reasons. we need to develop a plan and learn as much as possible from year to year. i hope it doesn't scare you away. garden blogs can be a little monotonous. with the new category feature it will be nice and easy to
    capture and refer to gained knowledge. i was inspired while trying to search through tabitha's blog for alleged useful garden knowledge. happy new year


The golden rule applies here...