Thursday, January 18, 2007

feelin' puny

yet another affliction sinus headache for two days.

the kids are hold up inside playing the island of sodor.

they have been playing the same set up for days.


  1. I've been feeling bad too - my throat feels like it's on fire.

    My Mom would've said, feeling "punk". No idea where that expression came from!

  2. Sorry your sick again last time I talked to you you were all under the weather. Dad is lots better he thinks his medication is the cause and mom is great. Ashley bought her fist car and will be home this weekend love you lots and give the kids kisses


  3. Hope the germs flee from your home, soon, Karl.


  4. Miss your updates! I know you are probably busy with the new venture...but say "hi" if you can.

  5. How do you keep them clothed indoors? Amazing. The second mine walks in the door she starts peeling everything off saying "I have to be beautiful and naked!"

    Feel 100% heathy -- pronto!

  6. Anonymous10:53 AM

    missing reading your blog, Karl... I know you are busy (work, kids, the homestead...) but wanted you to know that I am missing your posts.


The golden rule applies here...