Friday, January 12, 2007

rain and freezing rain

we are getting a winter storm. it is only rain right now but freezing rain is expected. freezing rain usually means power outages. we have heat without power. we can cook without power and if it is freezing we can probably keep our food reasonably safe. i have 1200 watt inverter that i think can run our freezer. i don't really want to have to test the system though. a few hours without power won't be a big deal but more than that we'll have to take extraneous measures.

insulate the attic is on my hot list agenda. i hope tomorrow affords me the opportunity to get it done.


  1. Anonymous4:08 AM

    From the weather maps it looks like you folks to the south got the weather worse than we did up here in Kansas City, and we have a healthy glazing of ice and freezing rain, with more weather on the way Saturday. I have no doubt, however, that you will keep your family warm and dry and well fed, Karl.

  2. good thing about a freeze means less severe bugs in the spring and fall...

  3. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I dislike freezing rain. Fortunately we rarely get it.

    You really should test the inverter to see if it will work.Perhaps when you don't need it though, ha,ha..

  4. pablo, it looks like rr got hit by the ice storm. it went literally a few miles north and west of us. we got the rain just the temperatures never got low enough for stuff to stick here. all of our friends in springfield are without power.
    danielle, i certainly hope so. the bugs have been very bad for the past few years.
    happy&blue2, i'm pretty sure that the inverter works. it's the battery being charged would be the issue. my car could charge it up if necessary. if i had the whole thing set up it would keep the battery charged and be ready for the emergency. i really should test what my refrigerator start up and running amperage is to see if is worth the trouble. otherwise i'd just use it to power the dsl and computer and blog while all our food spoils.


The golden rule applies here...