Friday, March 23, 2007

fashion show

kassi received a package from gracious acres yesterday. she was asleep when it arrived. i stopped opening it immediately so she could enjoy the entire process. when she awoke the excitement began. kassi love love loves clothes. pulling one item after the next with little ooohs and aaahs. then she began the fashion show. the look of joy on her face was magic. she kept saying things like "don't i look beautiful?" there was one princess dress that she still won't take off--she slept in it last night. such a magical gift for a magical princess.

thank you so much--truly wonderful.

tristan was so excited for her. during the fashion show he'd go into the other room and look for appropriate shoes. once he came back saying "can we buy kassi some princess slippers?" after all the gifts for kassi tristan didn't feel jealous and truly relished in her excitement. it was completely unexpected reaction since rivalry is rampant around here. it just shows that my little boy is growing up. sad but wonderful in the same moment.

photos to come....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:36 PM

    That's a wonderful story. I always loved the times when my little ones were so happy.



The golden rule applies here...