Tuesday, March 20, 2007

romeo update

after three days of banishment to the upper coop i intervened. i reached in to the coop and grabbed the pale reflection of romeo. he couldn't see me--blind in both eyes. i put him down and he stumbled around and ran into stuff. then he scratched his eyelids open--remember rocky balboa when he had his eyelids cut? he kinda noticed the food in front of him and ate.

i went to work...

when i got home he seemed ok but still acting funny. enrique came over and ambushed him they fought a bit but romeo took off and enrique chased him. i chased off enrique and put romeo by some water. i hope he recovers and remains submissive so they don't fight like that anymore. enrique is a much larger breed and will likely win most battles.

the circle of life continues...

the rest of the evening romeo ran from enrique and that seemed to work.

big rain storms envelope us today. our garden likes the non-treated water.

today is our wedding anniversary and first day of spring--it's easier to remember that way.

happy spring everybody


  1. Happy anniversary!

  2. Happy anniversary! How many years?

  3. Happy Anniversary to you both!
    I like the symbolism of having a wedding on the first day of Spring ;).

    My calendar says it's spring, too. My front yard says differently. I'm listening to the calendar :).

    Happy Spring!

  4. Happy anniversary a little late! :)

    I thought our rooster might regain his sight after the big battle that he lost, but just yesterday I noticed that the eye looked a little crusty. He still gets around just fine... he's just not the boss any more!


The golden rule applies here...