Saturday, March 17, 2007

listy list

stuff needed for...

- - metal lath
- - cattle panel cut in half for re-bar
- - 2 cattle panels for support to be reused in garden
- - masonry sand (james has extra)
- - cement
- - fiber reinforcing additive
- - dump truck of chat 1" to base (sift for chat & use larger for french-drain & foundation in barn)


- - 150 bales of hay (find a better price)
- - hydrated lime
- - chicken wire
- - cement
- - chat 1" to base
- - bamboo (free, devels tea table rd.)


- - five cattle panels using the two from the root cellar
- - 15 - 20 steel fence posts
- - 1/2" hose repair kits (8 to 10)


  1. on the hay/straw...if you look into buying last year's overage, you'll get it for a song.

    i've read several accounts of people doing that for their straw bale structures.

  2. in this area shipping is the issue. there are no wheat fields locally and tons of poser farmers that only have horses--requiring vast hay supplies for bedding.

  3. Karl, did you get ahold of about the PVA fiber yet? For the amount you need for the root cellar the sample bag they send out may be enough. Ask for the RSC15. My contact is Bob Cruso (800) 456-9266. Case of the RSC15 are $172 but that is 40 lbs, enough for many truck loads of concrete.


The golden rule applies here...