Sunday, March 18, 2007

the new look

sorry for the new look but the "theme" that i was using doesn't have the features that i desire--mostly a category sidebar. i feel that referencing this data will be important since i hope to look back at some of this stuff to enrich our lives. i upgraded to some new more editable template. tabitha choose the look, i'm ambivalent but after adding to my frequent list, they look suspiciously similar. sorry allen and annie i'll make more changes later.

we went to a farm today. mike micham and nancy walker have a little slice of heaven in the ozarks. any crunchy environmentalist would love this place. it's recycled everything in true hillbilly fashion. i wish our camera was back, we'd have taken photos--that kitchen-seed photo was on the card. i'll take photos next time we visit. they are musicians and very talented, they play at the bakercreek festival among many other places.

toly ate a cheddar bunny from the kids spill and is miserable today. cheese and wheat all in one little bunny. he's scooting around the house with blazing speed. he's not officially crawling yet (some rule with crossing hands and knees) but "that boy is mobile." isn't 5 months and a week ridiculous to be able the get to the wood stove and burned? i don't like it one bit, not only because it's too much too soon but what happened to my baby? next week he'll be toddlering around, i say i don't like it--not one bit.

i hope you all like my new look cause who knows when i'll get around to making it mine.


  1. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Hey! The new look is refreshing. It looks like old-fashioned wallpaper. I tell 'ya, you gotta start feedin' those young-uns something else cuz they ARE growing up way too fast! Next thing you know they're gonna want to drive the Kia!

  2. uncle matt, where have you been? tristan feigns driving at every opportunity. if i were to ever leave the keys within his grasp he'd be on his way to california in the next breath.

  3. Next will be the "terrible twos" that seem to last at least 3 years.

  4. I like the new look. Of course, it has been my look for awhile too.

  5. Ed Abbey,

    a little later i also noticed that your "look" was the same sorry not to credit you also.

  6. Oh, don't worry about us Karl; it looks good on ya'll too! How did you add the blogs you visit to the side though? I've been trying to do that and can't figure it out. I was afraid this template would not allow that. I'm a slight moron when it comes to some of this stuff.


The golden rule applies here...