Monday, April 02, 2007

not enough irons in the fire

we have decided that we need a summer kitchen. this is queued for after the root cellar, after the barn and before the master bedroom addition. this summer kitchen is the old-time answer to canning during the hottest part of the year. the current prerequisites are: completely screened in, location to be at the back gate, and tall enough to block the neighbors winter view of our house. we want a wood-fired cook stove and running water that can be isolated, drained during freezing winters and solar heated during summer. it'll probably end up where we hang out on summer evenings so the barbecue should live out there also. tabitha wants a wood fired bread oven there also. i imagine a nice big hearth would be nice too. my next step is to design it.

this morning is a moon-set and sunrise all at the same time. what a glorious day it will be.


  1. i am hoping to start one this summer too! perhaps i'll wait until you've worked out all the details though! hee

    seriously though, for us, it is a must as we do not have a/c and it is awful in here canning during a heat wave.

  2. must be in the air, to design this time of year. all the renewal of the earth contributes, no doubt.

    i ahve been making grand plans that are naught but pipedreams for me, this year....

  3. Hi sounds great. I put up some pictures on my blog of the house and our new landscaping more will come now that I know how to get them on the net love laura send the kids many huggs and kisses love anti Laura

  4. tansy, a summer kitchen is a must for us also. the meager air conditioner simply cannot keep up with the kitchen heat during canning. not only is it a waste of electricity but a fruitless effort.

    phoebe, i'd like to read about your plans. i'm sure others would also find it interesting--blog worthy

  5. Over on my Sugar Mountain Farm blog on the Cold Corner Thermal Bleed post you commented that the cold may put off your cement work. We found that during cold weather the accelerant additives work wonders. I even did some pours as tests outdoors down at 0°F and they came out fine. It makes the pour set up much faster and keeps the strength as well as preventing the concrete from freezing.

    Have fun with the summer kitchen. It is a great idea.


The golden rule applies here...