Saturday, June 30, 2007

animal roll call at the pile

nurtured animals
laying chickens 25
broiler chickens in tractor 25
guineas 10
goats 2
cows 2
dog 1
cats 2
people 5

feral animals
whistle pigs 2
squirrels 8-10
squash bugs 10,000

please consider yourself tagged and comment here so we can tally all.


  1. Hi Karl, I just did an Animal Roll Call over on my Sugar Mountain Farm blog. In a nutshell, the porkers out weigh everyone else put together by a factor of 17 or more. The pigs also out number the rest of us

  2. Saw your Roll Call generated over at Sugar Mountain Farm blog and posted ours here:

    Have a great weekend,

  3. chickens 2 (sad to say)
    runner ducks 6
    muscovy ducks 2
    dog 1
    cats 3
    budgie 1
    leopard gecko 1
    catfish ? (few left)
    bass ? (few left)

    plenty of birds, bugs, fat rabbits & well-fed coyotes...

  4. We've got a ton o' flies...does that count?
    1 dog (scruffy nosed great pyrenees, may be pregnant)
    1 cat (came with the house and is scared of the dog so she wanders the woods)
    2 goats (saanen)
    25 or so variety of chickens and roosters (some barred rocks, and a few special ones I haven't identified yet)
    1 wild pea hen
    60,000 honey bees

  5. Thanks for your interest in my animal roll call. I think mine roll call will be disappointing since I'm not homesteading yet.

    2 cats
    4 fish
    1 snail
    3 humans

    That's it. We do foster kittens often so the number can be higher at times.

  6. 23 chicks (rainbow layers)
    5 hens
    2 kittens
    1 cat
    1 dog
    several bunnies
    many wild pheasants in the draw
    few bugs (thanks to the chickens)
    3 humans

  7. Anonymous9:50 AM
    Here's ours:
    Seven Guinea Chicks
    Two Jouvenile Guineas
    Two Mix Breed Ausgtralorps
    Two Rhode Island Reds
    One Plymouth Rock
    Three Orpingtons (two buff, one white)
    Six Adult Guineas
    One Dog
    Two Cats
    Two Saanen Dairy Goats
    One baby
    One Wife
    One Proprietor
    A Cobolt Programmer
    A Marketing Student
    And Bob

    I admit I had to make individual distinctions to make our list longer, but, well, that's the way it is.

    The Proprietor

  8. Bull 1
    Cows 10
    Calves 10
    Yearling calves 11
    Boar 1
    Sows 2
    Feeder pigs 16
    4-H pigs 5
    Muscovy ducks 11?
    Ducklings 3?
    Roosters 6
    Laying hens 50?
    Horse 1
    Dogs 2
    Cats 4 + expecting kittens any day now
    No broiler chickens at the moment, 150 arriving in August

  9. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Here's my list:

    2 horses
    2 dogs
    3 cats
    12 adult guineas
    40 guinea keets
    3 adult chickens
    17 juvenile chickens

    In pictures here:

  10. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Here's us:
    2 people
    4 dogs
    8 cats?
    9 rabbits
    8 sheep
    45 chicks?
    1 rooster
    6 hens
    5 ducks
    2 piglets (coming this week)
    1 calf (coming in August)
    and.....thank God!! .......No goats :-)

  11. Animals here at CRF:

    2 cows (Irish dexter)
    5 sheep (Black Welsh)
    2 goats (soon to have a third)
    3 dogs
    4 cats
    1 cockatiel
    13 chickens (several types)
    9 chicks
    2 guineas
    1 turkey (bronze?)
    3 ducks (pekin and runner)
    1 rabbit (mini rex)
    1 trantula
    1 fish (long-nose gar)
    4 human (mixed breeds)

  12. Anonymous4:08 AM

    I've made a post about my own animal roll call. It will appear on Sunday.

  13. Here's mine:

    Summary: what were we thinking to have so many new to us critters this year?!

  14. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Here's our roll call:

    Hens: 4
    Chicks (mutts): 3
    Dogs: 2
    Cats: 1
    Humans: 2

    But then we're on a city lot, so I don't think we're doing too bad!

  15. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Here's ours:

  16. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Here at The Coop we have the following:

    6 people
    1 dog (soon to be 2 when we find the perfect puppy)
    28 cats and kittens
    1 Appaloosa horse
    2 roosters
    5 hens (used to be 30)

    2 or more fox that have decreased our chicken numbers dramatically while we on vacation.

    The Coop is now thinking of ways to outfox the fox!

  17. Anonymous3:38 PM

  18. hi! saw your role call over at sugar mountain farm.

    here's my list:

    1 dad
    1 mom
    5 kids (at home)
    3 big ol dogs
    1 little ankle biter
    2 cats (that above named kids don't think i know about)
    6 californian rabbit does
    1 californain rabbit buck
    7 pilgrim geese
    9 cayuga ducks
    1 ill natured senegal parrot
    about 35 welsummer pullets
    about 9 welsummer roo
    2 guineas
    1 royal palm turkeys (more eggs in the bator)
    6 partidge cochin chicks
    2 silkie chicks
    2 frizzled polish chicks (more hatching)
    lots of coturnix quail
    a few bobwhite and tennessee red quail
    aracauna eggs in the bator
    diamond quail in the bator
    10,000,000 roaches
    pigs-next year
    goats-next year

  19. i'm in... FUN! i put one up on my blog too! scary to count them all. you might want to add how many one can fit on an acre... LOL


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