Saturday, June 30, 2007

photos and solar shower

tabithas flower garden

twisting twirling

this years bean arch incarnation

our new out-door shower

the complicated water heating for our shower.


  1. The bean arch is even more beautiful then last years. Although i did like the bamboo, this one seems more spacious. Did you enlarge the arch measurements or is it just an illusion from the panels?
    What fun to have an outdoor shower! I hope to have an outdoor tub on our future (next) homestead.
    P.s I have really enjoyed your blog over the last year. The sharing of your family experiences have influenced many of our own.
    Great job & keep it up!

  2. Tabitha was telling me about the shower. You really are ingenious. I have one of those black hoses and the water gets so hot sitting in there. Very clever!

  3. farmchick, i'm not sure if the bean arch is wider. it might be that it hasn't filled in completely yet. our outdoor bath plans include a permanent outdoor shower and tub. the tub will be the huge old cast iron tub that we rescued from ruin. i will build it in such a way that i'll be able to build a fire underneath it for year round heat. i'll also beable to fill it from the solar heated storage tank. likewise the shower will be heated by our permanent solar heating system.
    danielle, the interim garden hose solution was tansys idea. i just added the mixing with cold to extend it's flexibility--longer showers at cooler temperatures.

  4. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I really like that simple, clever solution for heating the shower water. But how long do you get hot water when it is running?

  5. pablo, it doesn't last long 3-4 minutes of constant flow. but, the ball valve below the shower head makes it easy to turn on and off so it is plenty if you are conscious of the limited hot water. tabitha and i can take successive showers without too much trouble.

  6. I love that shower! I was telling Allen about it at supper tonight. I plan on having a permanent shower outside also but I am unsure where to put it right now. For now, I sometimes use a black, hard rubber horse trough I got at the Co-op. If I fill it about half way it is very toasty warm by the end of the day. In fact, some days it can get so hot that I have to add cold water. Your garden looks great also! Mine's catching up though!


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