Sunday, June 10, 2007

the problem with..

the problem with having mostly farmstead type blogger friends (if i may call you friends?) is summer farm duties take uber amounts of time. time must be spent in the garden, yard and farmsteads. blogging turns to treacle--my reading material dwindles.

a storm is expected today so i'll try to get a full blown post together photos and all.


  1. Anonymous5:52 PM

    I've noticed that comment pace on my site tends to go down in the spring/summer. I imagine for the same reason.

  2. It's funny how I'm too busy to blog much, and yet I feel like I have nothing to write about. Now that I've been doing this a few years, and with the cyclical nature of farming, I feel like I've already written about the things that go on around here. Or maybe all of the time we've been spending at the ball diamonds has simply fried my brain.

  3. Yep, it's a problem. When I've got the most to post about I'm too tired to fool with posting!

    Could be worse...


  4. I live in town and I've found it hard to find time myself the summer garden stuff and baseball seem to take up much of the day. Just today I was able to get my stuff posted. I hope you enjoy. love you lots and give all those little ones hugs from antie Laura XXOOXXOO

  5. Since you're looking for stuff to read and write, I'm tagging you for this awful 8 things meme *eg*


The golden rule applies here...