Monday, June 04, 2007

root cellar ferro crete shell

this is what sixteen tons of chat looks like. well, minus the small amount needed for the bond beam on the root cellar.
the ferro crete shell is on.

outside view

inside view


  1. Anonymous10:21 PM


  2. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Yeah! Cool! Big pile of concrete stuff you've wanted to play with since you were a kid, huh? You gotta get some Matchbox cars and dig some tunnels too! Can't wait to see it when it's done!

  3. Anonymous8:56 AM

    yeah, I bet Tristan can't wait for his new fort to be built!

  4. It is coming along. Can't wait to see it filled with food and stuffs. By the by, you weren't curt on the phone. I'm not hip on social graces, so sorry if I was all business.

  5. wow. We're reading the whole Little House series now and the root cellar idea had been planted in my brain. Seeing yours makes me think... But no, I am back to my senses. I am not the industrious, concrete loving, builder type and my farmer husband is too busy with the plants. I will admire it from afar.

  6. Oh Karl! I have loved catching up on your blog this morning. What an wonderful experience for your kiddos to the the little calf being born...and that sweet kitty is precious. I followed your garden last year and remembered the bean arch. Looking forward to seeing it all in its July glory!!


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