Wednesday, July 18, 2007

extra credit lunch & dinner

i had left over beet soup with fresh swiss chard chopped and added while it was reheating. i also got some fresh dill weed to add on the top of the dollop of fresh cream. there is still about 3 quarts of beet soup in the fridge. i tried to take a photo but the camera battery said NO.

i made more fresh pico de gallo for dinner. we had left over roast chicken as tacos. one of those handy canned jars of black beans, fresh cream, fresh cheese, a sliced cucumber, icy fresh milk and imported tortillas. both kassi and tristan loved it. the pico wasn't quite as hot as usual cause i wanted kassi to love it too. she doesn't like spicy--yet.

it was incredibly hot today. when i got home from work we piled into the car and went to the heavily air conditioned target, tjmax and homedepot. we shopped for stuff we didn't need and guess what, we found some. i suggested that we go to the creek but it was too hot even for that.

i cleaned part of my garage out yesterday. i need room to paint and repair our new bath tub. i still have a torn-up bathroom we still need to purchase the cement board sub-floor. maybe we can afford it by friday.

on the brighter side the solar shower is really showing its stuff. i didn't get to take a shower last night until after dark. it had cooled off and i was worried that i'd have a cold shower. i was pleasantly surprised. i took a nice long shower and when i was finished tabitha squeezed a shower in after me without loosing hot water.

tabitha picked beans again until the mosquitos carried her off--i'll miss her.


  1. Skeeters took Trixie too. Glad she'll be well-cared for by Tabitha!

  2. Anonymous11:26 AM

    i really enjoy reading your writing, Karl.


The golden rule applies here...