Saturday, July 21, 2007

early blight

we believe the hailstorm we had this spring that pelted our garden caused a vulnerability in our tomatoes. early blight is simply too early this year. we are very concerned that our plants might not produce the volume of tomatoes necessary for our winter stores. tabitha is making pasta sauce today. we are resigned to small batches since large ones seem out of the question right now.

one of my goals today is to excommunicate the younger chickens from the garden. if i have anything to say about it, they have eaten their last vine fresh tomato.

beans beans beans, we have too many beans. our bean arches are in an overproduction mode and require picking every two days.

i'm also gonna try to do a garden panorama today.

captured information about tomatoes:
plant tomatoes further apart. thoroughfares must be planted five feet on center.
cattle panel trellis on either side of double rows. mount cattle panels on tall t-posts eighteen inches above ground.
plant intentionally leggy starts in trenches.
have tarp/tents ready to defend tomatoes from spring hailstorms.
use corn meal around plant bases.
ladybugs and lacewing order queued for aphid onslaught.


  1. I'm sorry to hear that about the tomatoes. Mine are still making flowers along with lots of green fruit. Maybe it will bounce back later in the season.
    I'm regretting not placing an order for ladybugs to fight the aphids on our 40 ft tall apple tree.I have yet to find an organic spray to work on it. Funny really, our home was infested with ladybugs when we bought it and I always see them out there- just not working where I want them to.

  2. Eek! You already have tomatoes. We're still a ways from that.

    Over on my Sugar Mountain Farm blog you mentioned about your soon to be unveiled glass wall. You're way ahead of me. So far I've only collected empties and experimented with removing labels. I ordered a cutter this week. We tried cutting with the diamond skillsaw blade, messy!

    I look forward to seeing how your glass wall came out and what tips and techniques you discovered!

  3. that's a great use of panels again Karl,, you need to go to work at the feed store. you would triple their sales of stock panels. Our bean production was cut in half by the damn deer. I ordered heavy duty deer net that I'm putting up today. Sorry to hear about the blight troubles.


The golden rule applies here...