Sunday, July 22, 2007

root cellar back wall of wine bottles

the new bath tub. i'm removing the old paint and rust with a wire wheel grinder.

i think it was built in 1924 on june 12th number 21. boy that was a different era where that kind of information was considered important. we love it.

tabitha stripping the last of the milk out of nimue. the cat gets it and usually is wet with milk squirts.

sepia mode of the camera really makes our little farmstead look authentic.


  1. Karl, are the bottles complete or cut for your wall? -Walter

  2. no the bottles are not cut. i don't plan any light entering through that area so it will simply be back filled with a lightweight aggregate (unbroken soda & beer bottles and crushed limestone--to key the bottles). i did toy with the idea of putting a LED christmas light in the end of each and recorking them. that'd be too fancy for a simple root cellar. i might put some sunlight entering bottles on the door side though.

  3. the last one is a great photo, the one with Tabitha would be great with this composition.

  4. Anonymous5:15 PM

    You drink all that wine by yourself? Where's Tabitha?

  5. How long did Nimue produce milk? Did Tabitha cut her hair?

  6. squire, tabitha always makes for a great composition.

    matt, no--but i could have.

    gracious acres, nimue is still in milk after this last birth. for her health she needs to be bred back within the next few months. then we'll dry her off for a few months before she gives birth. i call that period "goat milk hell"

  7. oops, I cut tabithas hair. it is too much trouble right now. she'll grow it out again soon. when i met her she had short hair.

  8. gracious acres,

    now i see what you are asking, tabitha now milks by machine but it is tricky because you don't want to leave the pump on too long so when nimue slows during milking tabitha takes it off and strips the last of each milking out to make sure she is empty. this keeps her producing the optimum.

  9. Very Lovely pictures. The sepia compliments the homestead very well.
    I may have to play around with mine to see what will turn out.
    LOVING the glass bottle wall. Cant wait to see it all done & am looking forward to seeing the tub in place. I get giddy over your new projects- inspires my dreams & future plans for our next property.
    Well Done Karl!

  10. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Hi, Karl
    Have you thought about maybe making a row (up high) where occasionally one of the bottles is turned the other direction so it can act like a hook on which you could hang things? I am not sure how wine bottles would work, but I've seen the same wall technique with apple juice jugs (big ones, gallon size) that have little round finger hole handles on the top...
    Or, you could use them as places where you could cement/glue in bolts in the necks to support a shelf?
    Very cool photos.
    I hope the pile gets well soon!

  11. Love the bottle idea! Love it!!!

  12. Goat milk hell????? Bah! I love our goat's milk! Sanaans have extremely delicious milk. Their milk is very much like cow's milk, but better..oh, did I say that! ;o)

  13. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Chalk one more up for goat-kind! We were thinking about buying a calf until we got a second goat. Brilliant stuff. Just stumbled on this blog via google... Hello from a recently-purchased verysmallholding in Bulgaria!


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