Thursday, August 09, 2007

happy birthday tristan

my baby boy is five years old today. his main present was a nintendo gameboy. he's such a technophile that it was an obvious choice. grandma got him the latest iteration of the mario brothers saga. he loves it and has it figured out already--he got it yesterday.

we also went to silver dollar city today. he rode a big roller coaster that scared the crap out of him. i went also, it is a worthy roller coaster to be terrified of. we decided to postpone any party it is simply too hot and our house won't support a party of the indoors type.


  1. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Happy birthday to my Godson, Tristan! I love you and I miss you! I hope you had fun on the rollercoaster today!

  2. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Happy birtday Tristan! What a great photo montage and what a little cutie!

  3. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Happy birthday! Such a sweet series of pictures. (I can remember bits of being 5 years old even across the decades.)

  4. Happy birthday Tristan..

  5. what a sweet age...and sweet pictures.

    (happy birthday from a faithful-but-quiet reader, tristan!)

  6. oh karl...happy birthday to mommy, daddy and tristan!! 5 years old is a huge right of passage...:)

    i love the pictures...very very sweet..:)

  7. happy birthday tristan!
    the photo montage tugged at my heartstrings a bit. they grow so quickly!

  8. I just stumbled on your blogs. Very nice. Lots of good food and kids, feeds the body and soul.


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