Sunday, August 05, 2007

bathroom tear-up

these are my helpers. notice the no shoes.

they were supposed to keep their distance but there isn't anyone in the house strong willed enough to enforce the general safety rules.

shoes anyone?

princess helper. dressed for the occasion.

tabitha had taken ill again, mastitis. the kids helped cook--really.

tristan went to the garden and picked yellow squash and cooked it.

it sure was tasty. tristan was so proud.


  1. Niels liked the picture of Tristan cooking the best. He was amused by Tristan picking and cooking the squash.

    He says to say Hi to Tristan and Kassi and his mommy and daddy and his baby brother. :)

    I hope Tabitha recovers from her mastitis quickly!

  2. Mastitis is the pits! I hope Tabitha feels better very soon.


  3. Karl ~ I also wanted to say that mastitis is a clear indication that Tabitha is working too hard and not getting enough rest. Rest, nursing, and more rest is so important.

    Also, the more children a mama has the more risk she has of getting it again and again. I had it 6 times in my fourth baby's first year. I just could not get ahead of it.

    I hope Tabitha never gets it again.



  4. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Kassi cracks me up! That tutu is to die for sweet girl. Hope T is on the mend soon...mastitis is no fun at all. Sending lots of healing blessings to her.


The golden rule applies here...