Sunday, August 05, 2007

one local summer week #6

i might be a bit early but here is tabithas lasagna.

as we all know the milk is local--thick, rich, raw, creamy and unpasteurized. the bread is baked in springfield. we don't have time to bake our own bread during garden harvest and canning.


our own sauce some of what we'll be eating all winter. the sauce is 100% local to our farmstead.

tabitha made lasagna noodles from our own eggs and italian style flour. yeah i know, but we localized the flour by making our own noodles.

the cheeses are mostly local (queso fresco and cottage cheese). the asiago is not local but that is my guilty pleasure.

most of the spices are local too. salt and pepper are the exception.

the kids loved dinner and i got to take the left overs for lunch the next day.

toly additionally got to eat his favorite garden fresh tomatoes.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    oh, my gosh, isn't Toly the cutest? He looks like he is in tomato heaven! And Tristan - no longer the toddler that one.
    Looks like you have quite a project ahead of you!


The golden rule applies here...