Saturday, August 18, 2007

one local summer week #8.5 extra credit

our very own grilled chicken with the best marinade ever
sage, rosemary, honey, garlic, mustard, celery seed, cumin, fresh squeezed tomato, basalmic vinegar, olive oil, soy sauce, salt and special hand imported pepper.

that chicken was fabulous. the exact proportions of the marinade are forever lost due to the three fat tire beers that i drank wile making it.

home grown grilled okra with a marinade from the passionate vegetarian
that marinade was wonderful also. if you have never had grilled okra you are really missing something.

chilean salad with our own tomatoes.

freshly picked zero mile edamame steamed. we picked the beans earlier and they were about as fresh as possible.

the entire meal was zero mile with the exception of a few of the listed spices from the marinades.

this is what a 10 month old looks like eating zero mile grilled chicken


  1. Anonymous10:00 PM

    oh, my gosh he is SO cute! what a little carnivore! Your meal sounds very yummy.
    I'm wishing you guys rain.

  2. Anonymous6:12 PM


  3. Anonymous12:26 PM

    All Hail Fat Tire beer!!

  4. Looks good! I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to make local this week. I really need a local source of pasta and rice!


The golden rule applies here...