Saturday, August 25, 2007

the pink hospital

the pink

there has been a general pinkishness around here. well kassi is always pink. most of her clothes are pink. she is quick to answer the question "what something should look like?" she says "it should be be pink". well we here at the pile of omelays have reverted back to (california types). it has been apparent that tabitha cut her hair--i cut her hair. of the myriad of excuses "it was too hot" and "toly was always pulling on it" were the biggies. anyway, short hair needs a little something to spruce it up.

it was a two day process. bleaching twice then applying the bubblegum pink. the entire time i was doing it kassi was so envious. so i pinked her too. of course i didn't bleach her hair. the process is entirely safe and much less toxic than eating at mcdonalds.

so here we are here in the middle of po-dunk, no-where, ozarks looking like some crazed heathens.

the hospital

kassi was reading under the book shelf and perched above her was the heavy metal crayon box. tristan pulled the keystone book that supported the crayons. i watched it slide in slow motion, just out of reach and plummet to her forehead. the corner hit and caused a vertical cut. i screamed like a little girl. she bled like crazy and it was obvious that we needed medical assistance in closing the gape. we piled into the car, cause thats what piles do, and went to urgent care.

upon reflection it is difficult appear like concerned parents at an ultra conservative hospital with half the family having pink hair. admittedly most of their clientèle dyes their hair and it is equally unnatural. branson with many retired folk, iridescent blue is more acceptable.

i let the girls off at the front and went to park. after changing the poopiest diaper in the world with substandard supplies. (half a stale water bottle, a dirty t-shirt and a disposable emergency diaper that i just happened to have stowed in the car) the male half of our entourage entered the busy hospital. luckily finding tabitha was no problem. "where is the lady with pink hair" every finger in the room pointed. i can only imagine the sore necks that the waiting room attendees will have tomorrow from jerking to look as tabitha walked in. serves them right..

anyway the first nurse was kinda judgmental and promptly transfered us (alleging incompetence) to the emergency room. we received excellent care. they glued her head back together and three hours later we left. the kids were amazing, very well behaved. albeit bribery promises were made and later fulfilled.

the only real problem is that we must now endure the post hospital illness. whatever rampant virus or bacteria contained in the hospital was surely ferreted out by one or more of the kids. i hate hospitals mainly for that reason.


  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    "...less toxic than eating at McDonald's" is a great phrase, and I'll probably be using it every chance I get now.

    Sorry about Kassi's mishap, but we've had our share of them as our four were growing up. It is a bit strange (more than a bit) when you bring in a kid to the hospital and they start out assuming you have abused your child somehow. Guilty until proven innocent in that situation.

    But they've all grown up to be healthy, productive members of society, so I get over the evil assumptions about my parenting.

    I love the pink hair (though I would never do it myself).

  2. pablo,

    my best friend is a McDonophile so i must be careful what i say.

  3. Ouch! I hope Kassi heals quickly. Head wounds, even superficial ones, are no fun.

  4. Gah! Love the hair tho.

    One word: superglue. Faith had the same thing happen about 5 months ago - in her case it was a horizontal gash - and I glued it shut myself.

    And if anyone is of a mind, if you keep sunblock on it for the next few months the scar will be less noticeable :-)

  5. Oh my! I LOVE the pink hair. My daughter wants purple hair, and I'm contemplating using koolaid, which I hear is a good dye. What did you use? That's very pink hair!

    We had a bookshelf incident a few years ago with Little Fire Faery. She fell against a bookshelf and cut open her forehead just above her eyebrow. She ended up with stiches and still has a scar. It was pretty scary. Sounds like you all came through your "emergency" pretty soundly. Kids are great like that.

  6. heathens have GREEN hair. trend setting country women have pink.
    you go girls! i think it rocks!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. so sorry about kassi, but glad she's alright!!

    tabitha looks great!!!! i have fire engine red dye sitting in my bathroom just waiting...hehe

    gorgeous pink gals! :)

  9. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Oh! So sorry to hear about Kassi, I hope she's feeling better and healing up fast. She looks absolutely beautiful in that picture with the pink hair.:)

  10. Hope Kassi is feeling better.

  11. abigail, farm mom, woody, thanks she is already doing better.

    phoebe, i,d be too scared to glue kassi at this age. tristan would be no problem.

    wendy, thanks, we like the punky color too

    jayedee, these girls are definitely go-go-going.

    cat, i can't wait to see the photos of your red red hair.


    punky colors

  13. Farm girl punk chic! Love it (don't have the cajones to do it myself, tho). Would be fun to do it just for the "looks." My dd had the gash-in-the-ear-from-the-corner-of-the-coffee-table-requiring-five-stitches thing at the age of three. Wish I'd have thought of the super-glue...get better, girlie!

  14. As we are sharing toddler war stories, Max at 2 yrs plummeted 8 feet to hard earth topped with gravel. Landed on his forehead....the glue worked for us as well.

  15. Oh man! Hate to hear about your little girl; hope she feels better today. I was involved in a "bookshelf incident" myself about age 5, I think but did not have to go to the hospital. Love the pink hair too. I think everyone should dye their hair brightly at least once in life. Mine was deep blue.

  16. I'm glad Kassi is ok and hope you all avoid the post hospital illness. Those places can kill you!

  17. LOVE the pink hair!! I wish I were that brave. At my age, and my hair length, I can't see it.

    Maybe just the tips...

  18. You must stop by our blog for the pink hair contest we have going could be the winner.


  19. I have to smile every time I see this post, especially the photo at the top! I was doing google images for something else and you guys came up in my search results.


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