Friday, September 14, 2007

everything is fine

i was envious of hal seeing a mama wolf spider. now i just have to be envious or his photography skills. i just noticed danielle has a photo of one also

this is me painting our bath tub. yellow bathroom and red bathtub, primary colors anyone?

it is still wet. maybe we'll flip it over tomorrow. see a before shot here.

this is my new (to me) truck. i like it so much already. it should prove very useful.

the cow is still on the mend. we still don't know if her milk supply will return. for now, we just want her to get better.

is all better and feisty as ever

she is also all better, almost instantly after the antibiotics.

Aunt Cindy
we still haven't talked to her. we hope she comes to missouri and stays a while or indefinitely. i know she could still use a hug.

the farm
the goats are gone (THANK GOD). we sold them and i'm happy to have them out of here. we butchered noisy roosters yesterday. good riddance to them also. the ducks are great. the girls (hens) are almost up to full production. tabitha harvested 1/5th of the beans. we have a small harvest of cucumber seeds. probably not enough to include in the christmas gift seed pack:( the fall garden seems to be doing well. Boca (Nimues calf) is nursing on Nimue full time in an effort to increase her milk supply.

I'm still a bit worn down from all of the recent drama. thanks everyone for the prayers and well wishes.


  1. Nice tub. Red. Yes, very red. :)

    We just got a new tub. Well, actually a very old tub. Made in NJ in July of 1912. It lacks the nice legs of yours but otherwise looks similar. We got it for free because someone had tried to remove some paint from it using a rotary grinder - took off the enamel in a couple of spots. We're using it for a pig trough. I'm looking for more. The old cast iron tubs are great.

  2. I'm happy to hear that everyone is doing better. Looking forward to seeing the bathroom complete. I think using the primaries will knock your socks well friends

  3. Anonymous4:52 AM

    I've found you from Kirsty's blog (Gobbler's Run) ~ glad things are better for all of you. The bath tub looks awesome ~ I'd love to see a pic of the bathroom when the tub is in there :)

  4. We have always been a 1 truck & 1 car family until now. We are now have 2 trucks. Our big Dodge 4 door truck is now our family "car". Can't see how anyone makes it without at least one truck.

  5. Anonymous8:50 AM


  6. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Tub looks great! Primary colors can pass as very Mexican influenced. Glad to hear that everybody is back to full fiestiness, ready to be shaken. Boca? Was I sleeping when Boca was born? I miss the goats already. Send my loving support to Aunt Cindy. I hope she can make it to Rancho O'Melay for some love.

  7. i am so glad the family is on the mend and nimue is doing better too!
    the bath tub looks glorious!
    and i hope aunt cindy comes to visit for a little country r&r!

  8. Anonymous6:46 PM

    I went back and looked to see what the goats were doing that was so bad. All I found was the kid dancing on nimeu's flank. What got you so set against the cute little buggers?

  9. I'm sorry to hear things have been so tough lately. Hang in there and let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

  10. Anonymous1:29 PM

    When it rains it pours. Glad you are all on the mend!

    Yes, do tell why the goats are so thankfully gone. :)

  11. It is a small small world. I've been reading Walter Jeffries' blog for almost a year and ring linked to your just the other day. We are working toward a similar lifestyle and of course, I was hooked on your blog...but I never expected to see Walt commenting! :) Too cool.

  12. Ooooh, that bathroom is going to look fantastic!!
    Glad to hear everyone is getting better!

  13. Oh, the bathtub color is great!! I love the old clawfoots-I had one at a house I rented years ago and used to love the deepness.

    Glad everyone is feeling better.

  14. Well crap, if it's wolf spiders you want I have about 927 of them around the foundation of my house, the rock landscaping, the grass, my window wells and my deck.

    Come kidnap some and take them away! :)

  15. Anonymous10:47 AM

    wow, the tub is awesome. You cannot tell how great it is from the before pics... great looking paint job, too.

    I am glad to hear everyone is better in the Pile... if you guys do see Cindy Lou Who, give her a great big hug from me, too...

  16. Hope everything is going ok now...

    It's strange, the last site I was on before coming here was Rufus Wainwright's. Then I click here and there he is singing! (Cue eerie Twilight Zone music!) Nice playlist. :)

  17. i hope nim heals well and fast.

    i'm sad to hear you gave up on the goats so quickly...what will you do for milk when nim is dried off during pregnancy? if i remember correctly, you got them so kassi wouldn't have a bad reaction to store milk?

    i like the red tub. we just painted ours white and sometimes i wish we'd painted a color. i can't wait to see the finished bathroom! color is good!

    glad everyone is feeling better.

  18. The tub looks great! It must be crazy momma wolf spider migration or something.

  19. oh karl...i've been away and just got caught up on all the haps. i'm soooo sorry about your family's saddness at losing an uncle..:( death is never easy.

    i'm glad to hear your immediate family is on the mend though. and i'm loving the pics of your gorgeous kiddies and their fabulous painting projects!!

  20. Wow, your "before" shot of the tub gives me much hope for our tub.

    Ours is nice and deep but looks SO unappealing. All chipped and stained and NOT what you'd want to get in to get clean.

    Can't believe you got so much done in such a short time. I'd be crippled for a week.


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