Tuesday, September 11, 2007

very sick

our cow is very sick. we might loose her. toly is fine, an ear infection. tabitha has strep throat. tristan is struggling against some unknown illness. it's crazy here.


  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    So sorry to hear about the illnesses in your family, and your poor cow. I sure hope you don't lose her. Sending healing thoughts your way!

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Oh, man. Sorry to hear about La Familia O'Melay! However, i'm very concerned about Nim. Hopefully she just needs some rest. Keep us updated.

  3. Mastitis can be successfully treated. Vet advice is needed. I have had several cows survive bad mastitis, and go on to have more calves and give milk. Good luck!

  4. Gosh, karl, I hate to hear about so much illness and your other misfortunes. My condolences for your loss in your family. It always seems to me that stuff like that comes in groups; one thing right after another. My prayers for a quick turn around for your family and cow!

  5. Our prayers are with ya'll..

  6. We'll be praying for all to recover really quickly, and fully. So sorry for the loss of your family member...

  7. the cow is getting better. toly is getting better. tristan feels fine. Aunt Cindy might come and stay in missouri--we hope so.

  8. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Hi Karl,
    I was so relieved to read your last comment: a fantastic message of hope under the fold.
    We're looking forward here to more of your adventures!

  9. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Oh Karl, I am so sorry to hear about everyone being sick...Im sending healing prayers your way tonight.

    Be well.

  10. Over on my Sugar Mountain Farm blog on the Paper Lantern Tomatillos post you asked if they are heirloom seeds. I don't know. I don't think they're hybrids because they seem to reproduce beautifully from the seeds I save, as well as the ones the chickens plant. Send me your postal address and I'll put some in the mail to you. - walterj at sugar mtn farm com


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