Friday, September 07, 2007

Painting--fun for everyone

they got to help. these are the kind of childhood memories that we'll cherish.

so much fun. help was relative to their age but appreciated none the less.

the bathroom is now very yellow. it glares of mexico and we love it.

we got some rescue poultry. ducks, chickens, bantams and more ducks. i'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. progress on the bathroom seems to take second chair to the needs of all the animals.

here some of them are hiding in the okra.

we also got a new bed. our friends made it and we really like it.

it has been sitting in our garage for a while waiting for me to put it together. i'll do anything besides working on replacing that sliding glass door. tearing into it seems so daunting. what mysteries await to foil sealing the gaping hole in our house.

i found a flea market deal of these cool blue glass canning jars. some of them were half gallon size. i really like the imperfections that make each unique. included in the box was a bunch of old clear glass jars also. we'll use the whole mess to store pasta and stuff.

i also bought a 1984 nissan pickup. as a farm truck. i'll be able to commute to work and tabitha can take the kids to the park for play dates, deliver milk or whatever.


  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    the bed is gorgous karl! I love the branch in the headboard.

  2. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Okay. Where to start? Welcome back! We missed you! But it looks like you've been pretty busy. I love the yellow in the bathroom! Ahhh...Mexico! I'm envious. I gotta do that to my place! The bed is spectacular! I want to see pictures of the truck. It sounds like fun! But make sure the kids are leashed in the back. You don't want 'em jumping out when they see a cat on the side of the road. Finally, dude...the music. Roberta Flack?

  3. It won't be long and you will be able to hire the kids out as painters.

    The bed is terrific.

    Wish I could find some blue mason jars.

  4. I love the jars. My neighbor just gave us all of his canning supplies, including seven boxes of canning jars and lids. There were several of the glass lid/wire closing style. Gorgeous for storing loose-leaf and herbal teas.

    Wow! That really is yellow :).

  5. Anonymous6:17 AM

    love the pics of the kids painting. We're going to be doing some outside painting soon and I bet we'll have little helpers too. No finger painting for Toly?! LOL! :)

  6. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I guess you had the kids dressed in their painter's clothes for easier clean up.

    That bed is gorgeous. That your friends made it is even more impressive.

  7. shannon, thanks for the encouragement. we are still getting used to the new sleeping arrangements.

    matt, you know my affinity for mexico and will appreciate the look in person if you ever come to visit. that player is filled with lots of really cool music that i like and some of it i skip (tabithas choices). i'm working on my own version but time has allowed only a few chices.

    tossin' pebbles ... tristan was surprising he'd cut in an area and i thought that tabitha had done it.

    wendy, yes that really is yellow. they call it merigold. the color is a bit off cause of the flash but you get the idea.

    farmmom, yes toly did get into the fray. getting a picture wasn't possible because eating the paint was higher on his agenda than modeling his painting prowess.

  8. the bed is wonderful and the kids amazing, as usual! i love the looks of concentration on their faces!

  9. That bed is truly beautiful. How generous of your friends to have spent so many hours making it to give to the 2 of you. It looks huge! is it king size? Of course co-sleeping demands bigger beds :~)
    I received similar jars in the waffle pattern and the liberty bell on jars from freecycle. My favorite was one of a grandma-bun in hair and the jar read "mom's mason jar". Love the old ones. The blue are truly a great find to be treasured.

  10. Interesting glass... Bottle walls.


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