Saturday, September 01, 2007

seed saver in training

princess seed saver kassiopeia offering you some morning glory seeds. this will be in our present seed package along with many others.
flowers, tomatoes, beans, cucumbers(?), possibly some peppers and many flowers.


  1. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Kassi's hair looks great! Her next color should be morning glory violet!

  2. oh my gosh!! i love her hair!!! she's so cute karl..:)

  3. Hi Karl, I thought I'd come over here to answer your question about our broiler setup. I do indeed like the new shed we're using this year. The birds have much more access to shade and much better ventilation. Helps on those hot days.

    I really only go out and shut them up the first few nights, then they're on their own unless I start to have problems with owls. As long as we situate the pen and shed away from trees we don't usually have an owl problem.

    The only thing I'd change if I could is to make it easier to move the whole setup. It takes an hour and both Matt & I (and a tractor) to move it, so we only do it once a week or so.


The golden rule applies here...