Monday, October 08, 2007

the game is afoot

niña arrived today. she is the five year old jersey we will attempt to milk. she has raised in pasture with her calf 400 pounds worth. we are not sure if she has ever been milked. tabitha is optimistic. things should get very interesting around here for the next little while.


  1. Happy to hear Nimue is recovering.
    Tabitha, please keep your head on the swivel. I can't help but be a touch paranoid around the critters lately.


  2. p.s. Karl, if your going to be heading towards STL anytime soon I would be happy to save some of the wine bottles from my brothers place for you. Just pickem up on your way back home.

  3. I hope it all goes well for you Karl and Tabitha.


  4. I'm jealous... We want to get a cow or two. Not on the agenda for this year though... Have fun with your new girl!


The golden rule applies here...