Monday, October 15, 2007

guess what? chicken butt..

tabitha said that yesterday during chicken butchering just as she flipped the chicken over exposing his butt. we laughed ourselves silly. there are two ways butchering leaves us. we either end up worn and achy or giddy. yesterday was one of those giddy after the gruesome days. we butchered eight chickens in two hours thirty minutes. lurlee watched the kids which was a godsend.

nimue is doing much better. although we had an entirely new close call with her. she somehow broke the ratcheting lock on the screw off lid to the chicken grain. she ate about 30 pounds of grain. that usually kills a cow. they need lots of hay to keep their stomach healthy. after we discovered that she broke and unscrewed the lid in less than an hour. tabitha called the vet and i came home from work. we rushed her in to get a mineral oil drench. they coated her stomach in a gallon of mineral oil and she has made it through the toughest part.

niña, the new cow, is doing well. rather, tabitha is milking her remarkably well. niña still isn't halter broke so leading her anywhere is impossible. tabitha bribes her into the stanchion. it can take several minutes before she'll go in. it is a pain in the guess what? chicken butt.. one interesting fact that we have just discovered is, niña has never been milked. tabitha is feeling wonderfully accomplished breaking a cow to milk.

rainy day today.

bathroom progress has screeched to a complete halt but we are enjoying it anyway.

toly has really taken to the whole bath thing. bathing is a family affair here at the pile.

generally all is well, just really crazy.


  1. And I thought it was bad that all three of our girls end up in the bed with us ... every night ;).

    One of the pluses when we looked at this house was the HUGE garden tub with jacuzzi. Turns out it was big enough to give birth to our daughter ;).

    I love the colors in your bathroom. It's so vibrant!

  2. Great update, Karl. So glad to hear things are on an upswing. Great work, Tabitha!!

    I agree with the colors in your bathroom. You two have a unique and wonderful taste in home decorating. :) I am doing my kitchen in pink (not the walls, though), curtains, accessories, etc. thanks to your kitchen.


  3. Anonymous9:49 AM

    oh, I love it! What an awesome photo of you and the kiddos in the tub! and the bathroom colors are so cozy and warm.

  4. Cute picture! Glad things are looking up there and the cows are all well.

  5. lol pic :) love it.

  6. Great job on the bathroom! it turned out so well.
    Kudos to Tabitha on the new milking cow. What an accomplishment to train one that has never been milked- and by hand at that! Watch her get the new girl halter broke in no time.

  7. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I cracked up at your title! That is always our butchering day joke. For some reason, it never loses its hilarity when you have your hand up a chicken butt. ROFL!

  8. Glad to hear things are looking up at the pile (never mind what you're actually looking up: chicken butt *g*)

    More power to Tabitha breaking in a new cow. Whew, and I thought a little dwarf goat was a hassle. Wow!

    Bathing is a family affair here as well, and we never cease to be amazed at the ring five farm bodies can leave in a tub. Ewwwwwww.

  9. OMgoodness! That Nimue -- what does she think she's got 9 lives or something?

  10. Anonymous3:59 PM

    So glad to hear things are on the upswing...and I think being able to bathe in your new bath is a huge accomplishment!!! What a great photo!


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